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Become a sought-after expert on Linkedin and attract clients and joint venture opportunities

Stop promoting in groups, sending cold dms and struggling to find your ideal clients between the masses

Instead, learn how to fuel your business and your confidence by building the Linkedin authority that converts connections into partners & clients while enjoying your marketing & sales

Most coaches charge anywhere from $97 to $497 per month for this kind of value.

But I decided to create a program every coach could afford for just $27/month.



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Become a Linkedin Expert

Founding member

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Join as a founding member and benefit also from live training!

You are tired of...

  • promoting in Facebook groups full of stay-at-home moms and MLM marketers,
  • sending random friend requests,
  • trying to stand out in the crowd,
  • falling for all the shiny new marketing strategies
  • not feeling confident or being recognized as a trusted expert by your ideal clients

- Now you’re looking for a better way to provide you coaching and services to clients ready to pay your worth!

You want to connect with valuable partners and high ticket clients so…

You are spending hours promoting into Facebook groups

BUT you find tiring to comply to group rules, your branding does not stand out.

You are getting more sold than selling and you are unable to judge the economic status of your leads on Facebook. Needless to say, companies are hard to connect with.

That’s why you considered investing into the perfect website

BUT finding the perfect copywriting, images, website look and feel is long-delaying your business activities.

Getting traffic with SEO is a long term game and most website do not convert users into leads and are a credibility confirmation rather than a lead generation tool.

You even spent hours in off line events..

BUT it's so exhausting for introverts and so time consuming. They do not fit with your personal or families needs, they require money, travel and confidence.

More over it's not that easy to choose the right event to attend nor identify and connect with the perfect client there.

Here’s a bold question for you:

What if you could stop wondering in noisy groups, and instead leverage authority, personal branding and innovative tools to find, attract and nurture valuable partners & clients that are excited about your offer and want to work with you instead?

Sounds too good to be true?

Keep reading and I’ll show you exactly how!


You will master the platform and tools, upgrade your mindset, and show up with confidence to enjoy your business wins

The biggest secret about Linkedin

You need to focus on all the 3 areas of my DeSC framework to enjoy the biggest results.

And there's no better way to be consistent and effective than to grow inside a supportive learning community.

I am opening a few spots for my EARLY founding members with a ton of extra support so that you get results and release a testimonial. Join us now.

— Marina Sciarrino, Marketing & Mindset Coach

You get access


  • Bit-sized advanced self-study modules, and latest features and tools discovery hub


  • Monthly coaching or Workshops on Zoom


  • Video Q&A on demand
  • Growing library of templates and images

Founding member

per month
Join as a founding member and benefit also from live training!

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Our guarantees

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You can cancel this membership at any time from within your account.

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There is a 7-Day no-questions-asked money-back-guarantee.