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10 Criteria for a Converting Freebie That Your Audience Will Love

The ideal lead magnet type is one that helps you improve your business, provides value to your prospects, generates qualified leads and converts better.

If your lead magnet corresponds to all of the following criteria it may have the potential to generate many leads as well as high conversion rates.

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Including 1 VIP hour

The Ultimate Ultimate Lead Magnet Assessment Checklist includes 10 criteria through which you can assess your lead magnet, and gives you insights on what you must improve straight on.
You can download our checklist below. 👇

You will have a full 1to1 live call with Marina Sciarrino deep diving into your Lead Magnet


The Ultimate Ultimate Lead Magnet Assessment Checklist includes 10 criteria through which you can assess your lead magnet, and gives you insights on what you must improve straight on.

You can download our checklist below. 👇

8 pages for you to be ready to attract your clients as bees looking for honey!